Visit to the Hirschvogel Group

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On May 23rd we had the opportunity to hear from our former doctoral candidate Dr.-Ing. Christian Hinsel to be welcomed at the Hirschvogel Group in Denklingen. A highlight of the visit was the insight into the Hirschvogel Group's comprehensive sustainability strategy. Ms. Prof. Marion Merklein presented our current research focuses in the areas of sustainability and resource efficiency in order to show impulses from research. During the subsequent factory tour, we were able to gain exciting insights into how Hirschvogel is already implementing measures for sustainable and resource-saving production. Also from the LFT were Prof. Michael Lechner, Manuel Friedlein, Andreas Hetzel, Miriam Leicht, Nikolaos Rigas and Marion Vogel took part in this visit.

A big thank you to Dr.-Ing. Christian Hinsel and the entire ESG team at the Hirschvogel Group for this inspiring exchange. We look forward to future collaborations to further advance sustainable manufacturing technologies
